Post date
7 Sep 2018
¡Es Viernes y Don Diavlo lo sabe! This is a photo some of Chencha Berrinches first ever gigs at Las Pampas in South Gate. When we think of the genealogies of “venues in South East Los Angeles, Las Pampas (also known as La Iguana) is one of the most enduring sites to consider. Located in a deindustrialized strip of Firestone, between 1992 and 1997 Las Pampas became the epicenter of Rock Angelino and later expanded to include some metal and plenty of punk and ska. The restaurant was nominally South American themed. This explain the presence of the portrait of Carlos Gardel, one Latin Americans first global artists. Gardel’s portrait seems to be blessing the performances by a bunch of young Latinos who sang mostly en español in what used to be a rather conversative white working-class city. Thanks to Armando for sharing so maby great pieces of his own Chencha Berrinches collection of images and flyers. #laspampas #laiguana #southgate #sela #southeastlosangeles #laspampas #chenchaberrinches #ska #meska #rockangelino #rocklatino #rockenespañol #latinalternative #losangeles #1990s #rockarchivoLA
South Gate, California
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