Directed by Aurora Guerrero "Mosquita y Mari" (2012) is a coming of age queer story set and filmed in Huntington Park and South East L.A. The critically-lauded film also has an impressive soundtrack edited by @cosmicaartists features Hello Seahorse! La Bien Querida, Algodón Egipcio, Pistolera and repping for the LA ska scene La Pobreska and @viernes_trece . Actually Viernes 13 now classic “Pierdete Chica” is only part of the film’s score but the protagonists Mosquita (Fenessa Pineda) y Mari (Venecia Troncoso) sing it in the movie! Here’s a part of the movie. Have you seen the movie?
Yes, this vid looks shakey, which means that you should watch it on its full HD glory on hulu or Itunes.
#huntingtonpark #LaPacific #southeastlosangeles #sela #mosquitaymari #viernes13 #thekingsofevilska #pierdetechica #lapobreska #cosmicarecords #ska #skaLA #latinska #skalatino #rockangelino #2012 #rockarchivo