While y’all know that one Spanish cover of The Smith’s “There Is a Light That Never Goes Out” that your tía first introduced you (by Mikel Erentxun). Nonetheless, The Smiths’ influence in Latin America goes far and wide. For instance this is a version of the song by Los Tintoreros, a band from Argentina that has a super interesting story. The Tintoreros members are all children of Japanese migrants that arrived to Buenos Aires. Similar to the migratory experiences in other places *ahem the US.* These Japanese migrants could only enter certain jobs or professions, such as being clothes washers and cleaners, hence the band’s name, Tintoreros in reference to their parents racialized jobs and labor. In their albums, Los Tintoreros worked with Dr. Flavio from Los Fabulosos Cadillacs and continue to be active to this day. This track is from the early 2000s. What’s your favorite The Smiths/ Morrissey cover? #tintoreros #ThereIsaLightThatNeverGoesOut #thesmiths #theesmiths #Morrissey #argentina #covers #lfc #rocklatino #rockenespañol #latinalternative #losangeles #rockarchivoLA